184 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
6.1 Introducing the WebSphere administrative consoles
The WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, referred to as the administrative console, is a
graphical, web-based tool that is used to configure and manage the resources within your
WebSphere environment.
The administrative console application name is
isclite, and it is a system application. This
means that the application is central to a WebSphere Application Server product, and it is
installed when the product is installed. In this case, the administrative console application is
installed during profile creation, if selected, or afterwards using the command line. You do not
see system applications in the list of installed applications when using the administrative
console. You cannot stop or start the application directly or uninstall the application directly.
With the introduction of the flexible management topologies, there are multiple administrative
consoles available in a WebSphere solution:
Administrative console hosted by an application server or deployment manager in case of
a Network Deployment environment:
This administrative console is used to manage an entire WebSphere cell. It supports the
full range of product administrative activities, such as creating and managing resources
and applications, viewing product messages, and so on.
In a stand-alone server environment, the administrative console is located on the
application server and can be used to configure and manage the resources of that server
In a Network Deployment environment, the administrative console is located in the
deployment manager server,
dmgr. In this case, the administrative console provides
centralized administration of multiple nodes. Configuration changes are made to the
master repository and pushed to the local repositories on the nodes by the deployment
Administrative agent console:
An administrative agent hosts the administrative console for application server nodes that
are registered to it.
When you access the URL for the administrative console, you can select the node type to
manage. After your selection is made, you are directed to the appropriate administrative
console where you can log into:
– Administrative console for the administrative agent:
This console allows you to manage the administrative agent, including security
settings. You can also register nodes that the administrative agent controls with the job
– Administrative console for an application server:
This console is the administrative console for the application server.
Job manager administrative console (referred to as the job manager console):
The job manager console provides the interface to manage the job manager itself,
including security settings and mail resources. Its primary function is to submit jobs for
processing on the nodes that are registered to it.