246 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
Figure 7-9 Product information
Monitoring your job manager environment
To monitor the state of your job manager environment, use the information provided by logs
and traces. You can use either the basic mode for logging and tracing or the High
Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) mode. To find more information about the
differences between these two modes refer to the information center at the following website:
Basic mode for logging and tracing
This logging and tracing mode lets you monitor your environment using the following logs:
JVM logs (SystemOut.log and Systemerr.log): To access these logs, use the
administrative console, and click Troubleshooting Logs and trace jobmgr JVM
Logs. Click the Runtime tab, and click the View button beside the System.out or
System.err file paths. Use the Configuration tab to configure the file paths, file names, file
formatting, log rotation, and size.
Diagnostic trace service log (trace.log): To access this log, use the administrative
console, and click Troubleshooting Logs and trace jobmgr Diagnostic trace
service. Click the Runtime tab, and click the View button beside the trace.log file path.
Use the Configuration tab to configure the file paths, file names, file formatting, and size.
Process logs (native_stdout.log and native_stderr.log): To access this log, use the
administrative console, and click Troubleshooting Logs and trace jobmgr
Process logs. Click the Runtime tab, and click the View button beside the Stdout or
Stderr file paths.
IBM service Logs (activity.log), which has to be enabled first: To access this log, use
the administrative console, and click Troubleshooting Logs and trace jobmgr
IBM Service Logs and then click the Configuration tab.You have the option to enable the
correlation ID that can be used to correlate activity to a particular client request or to
correlate activities on multiple application servers, if applicable.