Chapter 10. Accessing EIS applications from WebSphere 391
10.4 Configuring J2C connection factories
A J2C connection factory represents a set of connection configuration values. Application
components, such as EJBs, have <resource-ref> descriptors that refer to the connection
factory, not the resource adapter. The connection factory holds the list of connection
configuration properties. In addition to the arbitrary set of configuration properties defined by
the vendor of the resource adapter, there are several standard configuration properties that
apply to the connection factory. These standard properties are used by the connection pool
manager in the application server run time and are not used by the vendor-supplied resource
adapter code.
To create a J2C connection factory:
1. Click Resources Resource Adapters J2C connection factories. You can see a list
of J2C connection factories at the selected scope.
2. Click New to create a new connection factory or select an existing one to modify the
connection factory properties. The J2C Connection Factory Configuration window opens,
as shown in Figure 10-5 on page 392.
Terms: The terms J2C and JCA both refer to JEE Connector Architecture, and they are
used here interchangeably.
392 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
Figure 10-5 J2C Connection factory properties
Enter the following information:
Name: Enter an administrative name for the J2C connection factory.
JNDI name: This field is the connection factory name to be registered in the application
server’s name space, including any naming sub context.
When installing an application that contains modules with J2C resource references, the
resources defined by the deployment descriptor of the module must be bound to the
JNDI name of the resource.
As a convention, use the value of the Name property prefixed with eis/, for example,

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