Chapter 12. Configuring and managing web servers 445
You can use one of the following two ways to start or stop the web server:
To start or stop the IBM HTTP Server for UNIX platforms, enter one of the following
commands at a command prompt:
– # <ihs_install>/bin/apachectl start
– # <ihs_install>/bin/apachectl stop
To start or stop the IBM HTTP Server on a Windows platform, select the IBM HTTP
Server 8.0 service from the Services window, and invoke the appropriate action.
12.4.4 IBM HTTP Server remote administration
You can administer and configure IBM HTTP Server V8.0 using the WebSphere
administrative console. On a managed node, administration is performed using the node
agent. This is true of all web server types. However, unlike other web servers, administration
is possible for an IBM HTTP Server installed on an unmanaged node. In this case,
administration is done through the IBM HTTP administration server. This server must be
configured and running. Administration is limited to generation and propagation of the plug-in
configuration file.
Remote administration set up
For the administrative console to access the IBM HTTP administration server, you must
define a valid user ID and password to access the IBM HTTP Server administration server.
The user ID and password are stored in the web server’s IBM HTTP Server administration
server properties.
You can update your IBM HTTP Server administration server properties in the web server
definition through the Remote Web server management properties window of the
administrative console. Complete the following steps to set or change these properties:
1. Click Servers Web servers.
2. Select the name of the web server.
3. In the Additional Properties section, click Remote Web server management.
4. Enter the remote web server management information, as shown in Figure 12-28 on
page 446.
Note: When the web server is started or stopped with the native methods, the web
server status on the web servers page of the administrative console is updated