370 WebSphere Business Integrator Server Foundation V5.1 Handbook
JMSMessageID: null
JMSTimestamp: 0
JMSDestination: null
JMSReplyTo: null
JMSRedelivered: false
<stream><elt>Traveller,BJD</elt><elt>Manchester to Raleigh</elt>
[5/21/04 16:59:45:449 EDT] 63c131cd JMSQueueSende < send
12.5 Assembly
There are a few settings that you can modify in your enterprise application (EAR)
during assembly time. These settings are also available for the application at
development time, of course.
When you have a Extended Messaging component in your EJB project, open the
deployment descriptor for the EJBs in the Application Server Toolkit for
WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation or in WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Edition.
You should find an Extended Messaging tab in the EJB deployment descriptor
editor as show in Figure 12-12 on page 371.

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