372 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Figure 21-39 RFH2 header
The outbound request looks good, so you can try one further test that sends a
response to the connector.
In the Additional Materials folder is folder called RedTenantTestMessages. You
will use one of these messages to simulate a message coming from the Broker
back to the connector to check that the configuration is sound in both directions.
To perform the second test:
1. Open an instance of rfhutil.
2. Select the WEBTENANT.REQUEST queue at queue manager
3. Using Read File, locate the test message named Web_tenant_Request,
which indicates that a message was sent to the connector that requests an
action from the application.
Chapter 21. Creating the business objects and connector 373
4. Select the Data tab to see the message contents. It is similar to that shown in
Figure 21-40.
Figure 21-40 Request data
374 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
5. Select the RFH tab to see that the RFH2 header information is in place
(Figure 21-41).
Figure 21-41 RFH2 header
6. Write the Web_tenant_Request to the queue.
The connector picks up this message and transforms it from business object
format to application format.
7. Using rfhutil, browse the contents of the message on the RTRES1Q queue
on queue manager REDTENANT.
Chapter 21. Creating the business objects and connector 375
8. Select the Data tab to see the application representation of the business
object. It is similar to that shown in Figure 21-42.
Figure 21-42 Application data
9. Go back to the browser and resubmit the query. This request is not an actual
request and reply because you have already loaded the queue. However, you
will see whether the application can handle the message data.
376 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Figure 21-43 Tenant and apartment details
10.Select one of the maintenance records to confirm that the data you expect to
see is there. It is e similar to that shown in Figure 21-44. Verify this data by
checking in the back-end application database.
Figure 21-44 Maintenance detail

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