26 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
3.2 Design considerations
To develop an ODA:
1. Extend the ODA base class, ODKAgentBase2, to create your ODA class.
2. Implement the methods of the ODA class, which provides the means of
starting the ODA.
3. Design and implement the ODA content.
4. Implement error and message handling for all ODA methods.
5. Create any class that needed to handle data-source interactions.
6. Build the ODA.
7. Create a startup script for the new ODA.
8. Test and debug the ODA.
3.3 Setting up the development environment
You need to set up the development environment for the ODA as follows:
1. Install WebSphere Business Integration system software. The ODA library
(CwODK.jar) is necessary to run ODA. Also, Business Object Designer is
necessary to create application-specific business objects by using ODA.
– If you use WebSphere InterChange Server, the ODA library and Business
Object Designer are installed as part of the InterChange Server software.
– If you use WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker or
WebSphere Application Server, you must install the WebSphere Business
Integration Adapters product for the ODA library and Business Object
2. Install the Java Development Kit (JDK™) or a JDK-compliant development
product (such as WebSphere Studio Application Development).
3.4 Object Discovery Agent process flows
When a user chooses File → New Using ODA (to create a business object), the
Business Object Designer invokes the Business Object Wizard to run the ODA.
The Business Object Wizard then displays the Select Agent dialog box, which
provides graphical access to all available Object Discovery Agents. From this
dialog box, users select the ODA to run.