Chapter 29. Integrating external contractors using WebSphere BI Connect 591
then repeat the steps outlined above, so that a document flow definition and XML
format is created to handle ContractorResponse messages.
Creating interaction
Earlier, we created the protocol customXML that could be packaged in AS2,
None, or Backend Integration. We then created the document flow
ContractorRequest that was linked to the protocol customXML for each
packaging method. We defined the XML format linked to that document flow.
The next step is to create the interactions that tell WebSphere Business
Integration Connect how to move from one packaging, protocol, or document to
another. To create this interaction:
1. While logged on as hubadmin, select Hub Admin → Hub Configuration →
Document Flow Definition.
2. Click Manage Interactions. Then, click Create Interaction.
3. We need an interaction from AS/customXML/ContractorRequest to
None/customXML/ContractorRequest, which is the interaction shown in
Figure 29-22 on page 592. Select Pass Through as the action and click