690 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Figure 30-60 Create instance of adapter EJB
3. Locate the Update method of the new instance.
4. Provide appropriate parameters, as shown in Figure 30-61 on page 691.
5. The value CxIgnore is a key word that instructs the adapter to ignore the
value of this attribute.
6. Use P for the field status to indicate that this request is in progress.
Note: Dates are expressed in milliseconds since epoch (that is, since
January 1, 1970). The adapter requires this specific format. See the value
for expectedCompletion in Figure 30-61.
Chapter 30. Adding human interaction using WebSphere BI Server Foundation 691
Figure 30-61 Provide parameters to the update method of the adapter
Figure 30-62 on page 692 shows the message that is generated by Server
Foundation to invoke the adapter’s Update function.
692 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Figure 30-62 Message for RMConnector sent by Server Foundation
7. In the actual process flow, invoke the adapter also to indicate the completion
of the maintenance request. Invoke the update method again, this time with
values that are appropriate for a status of C (Completed).
Chapter 30. Adding human interaction using WebSphere BI Server Foundation 693
Figure 30-63 Provide parameters to the update method of the adapter
8. Inspect the database on the message broker machine. The status of the
maintenance requests are stored in the table ITSO.MAINTENANCE.
Also, inspect the adapter log.
694 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
30.2.5 Developing the WSDL for the staff activity
Staff activity is also described in WSDL. To develop the WSDL for the staff
1. Create a new empty service ReviewMaintenance, as shown in Figure 30-64.
Figure 30-64 Creating new service
2. Use the WSDL editor to develop a single port type.
3. The source for the input message is MaintenanceRequest.xsd.
4. The source for the output message is ContractorRequest.xsd, which can be
imported from the directory Additional Materials.
Figure 30-65 on page 695 shows the completed WSDL for the staff activity.

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