794 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
31.2.2 Generating the MDB
A message-driven bean (MDB) is a special kind of bean that gets called by the
JMS services in WebSphere Application Server when a message arrives in a
queue. Usually, the MDB does not do any business logic. It calls another bean to
process the actual message data.
In our scenario, we have the WSDL for the incoming message, and we have
WSDL for the EJB that needs to process the message. The generation of the
MDB uses both sets of WSDL files. To generate the MDB:
1. Locate the file RM_MaintenanceAgentDeliveryEJBService.wsdl in the
deployable service project Process_StartEJB. Right-click this WSDL file and
select Enterprise Services → Generate Deploy Code.
2. Select the option to use an existing port for the inbound message. Click Next.
Figure 31-36 Generate deploy code for an existing port