818 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Figure 31-60 Monitoring a process instance started by the proxy
31.2.8 Adapting the EJB
Now that the proxy is tested, you can make the final change. You need to copy
the data that is part of the JMS message from the adapter into the structure
MaintenanceRequest that is part of the process interface. Setting the contents of
this structure is something you did already in the proxy. So, you can copy that
code. You just need to parse the incoming message.
1. Open the Java class RM_MaintenanceAgentDeliveryBean.java, which is the
class that contains a method per supported verb of the business object
2. Copy the lines of code in the try-catch block in Figure 31-55 on page 814 to
the Create method.
3. Replace the constant values with the appropriate getters on the variable
4. Save the changes