Chapter 31. Integrating and automating the process 819
Example 31-5 shows a sample from our scenario.
Example 31-5 Updated Create method
public void RM_MaintenanceCreate(
.RM_MaintenanceElement argBodyPart) {
// user code begin {method_content}
System.out.println("<<<< Message arrived for Create >>>>");
String resp;
try {
ProcessPortTypeProxy aProxy = new ProcessPortTypeProxy();
// user code begin {proxy_method_calls}
MaintenanceRequest rq = new MaintenanceRequest();
resp = aProxy.InputOperation(rq);
System.out.println("Output: " + resp);
} catch (WSIFException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// user code end
31.2.9 Deploying and testing the changes
You are ready to test the last piece of the solution. Follow these steps:
1. Stop the Test server.
2. Publish the changes to the server.
3. Start the server.
820 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
4. Use rfhutil to write a message on the delivery queue. Use the sample file
RedContract_Delivery_Create in the Additional Materials Directory.
5. Inspect the console of the Test server. You should see lines similar to
Example 31-6.
Example 31-6 Output of the EJB on the console
SystemOut O <<<< Message arrived for Create >>>>
SystemOut O Output: process has been started successfully
6. Log on to the Process Web client, and verify your To Do list. There should be
a new entry.
7. Click the process link to inspect the details of the process instance, shown in
Figure 31-61. Notice the different data, which is this loaded from the file.
Figure 31-61 Details of a process instance

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