56 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
6.3 One generic business object handler for all
business objects
If the API is suitable for a metadata-driven connector and if you design business
object definitions to include metadata, you can implement a metadata-driven
business object handler. This business object handler uses the metadata to
process all requests. A business object handler can be completely
metadata-driven if the application is consistent in its design, and the metadata
follows a consistent syntax for each supported business object.
Business object definitions have specific locations for different types of
application-specific data. For example, business object attributes have a set of
properties, such as Key, Foreign Key, Required, and Type, that provide the
business object handler with information that it can use to drive business object
processing. In addition, the AppSpecificInfo
property can provide the business
object handler with application-specific information, which can specify how to
access data in the application and how to process application entities.
The AppSpecificInfo property is available for the business object definition,
attributes, and verbs. You can use the AppSpecificInfo property to:
Discover the operation to perform on the application entity that examines the
verb which is passed in the business object.
Obtain the application entity name (such as application table or form) that
examines the business object metadata.
Obtain information about the back-end application properties (such as
attributes, column names, or other information) that examine the metadata of
the business object attributes.
If a business object definition contains the table name and column names, you
do not have to code those names explicitly in the business object handler.
Encoding specific application information in a business object accomplishes the
One business object handler class can perform all operations for all business
objects supported by the connector. You do not have to code a separate
business object handler for each supported business object.
Changes to a business object definition do not require recoding the
connector, as long as the changes conform to existing metadata syntax.
Thus, you can add attributes to a business object definition, remove
attributes, or reorder attributes without recompiling or recoding the connector.