100 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
4.1 Business scenario
This section describes the business scenario of the fictitious CEP commerce
enabled portal solution, and includes the following topics:
򐂰 Initial context, which describes the current business solution of CEP.
򐂰 Business challenges, describing the business drivers for moving towards a
commerce enabled portal solution.
4.1.1 Initial context
CEP developed a multi-channel business-to-business commerce solution using
the WebSphere Commerce Business Edition V5.4. The solution is a customized
version of the ToolTech sample store provided by the Commerce Enhancement
Pack. It includes the following features:
򐂰 Contract-based purchasing
򐂰 Order management
򐂰 Advanced search
򐂰 Catalog navigation
򐂰 Enhanced buyer-side administrative tasks
򐂰 Enhanced seller-side administrative tasks
򐂰 Enhanced payment integration
򐂰 WAP-enabled
򐂰 Sametime enabled help desk support center
The store supports multi-channel access and the look and feel is customized
according to the supported channel.
The customer’s security policy enforces specific placements of the system
components (see Figure 4-1 on page 101):
򐂰 Databases must be placed within the restricted zone.
򐂰 Business applications, such as the commerce solution, must be placed within
the production zone.
򐂰 Development environments are located within the intranet zone.
External users have to pass from the Internet to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) to
access the CEP store. The DMZ provides only load balancing and reverse proxy
services to enforce security policies. Requests are routed from the Internet to the
Note: Throughout the working example chapters, we will refer to the ITSO
sample as the ITSO B2B CEP store.
Chapter 4. Business requirements analysis and solution design 101
DMZ to predefined nodes within the production zone. A set of firewalls secures
the access to resources as displayed in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Customer’s zone topology
4.1.2 Business challenges
After the successful launch of the business-to-business solution, the CEP
management wants to leverage and extend its business services. As a result the
managers are focusing on an integrated approach or user reach to increase their
customer satisfaction, which is a challenging business success factor. In order to
evaluate solutions, they have provided the following criteria:
򐂰 Leverage and integrate business services using industry standards.
򐂰 Multi-channel access point for internal and external users (for example,
standard Web browser clients, WAP mobile phones, and other mobile device
򐂰 Co-existence with current implemented solutions.
򐂰 Single sign-on.
򐂰 Enhanced commerce capabilities including:
Dynamic Context Groups.
Rule-based and role-based personalization (not implemented in the ITSO
working example).
Production ZoneOutside Zone Demilitarized Zone Internal Network
Domain Name
Public Key
Protocol Firewall
Domain Firewall
Domain Firewall
Domain Firewall
Restricted Zone

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