254 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
6.1 Development environment configuration options
This section describes an end-to-end approach for developing and testing
commerce enabled portal solutions, and includes the following topics:
򐂰 Motivation for an end-to-end development environment
򐂰 Solution overview for an end-to-end development environment
򐂰 Development environment configurations
򐂰 Hardware and software used in the development environment
6.1.1 Motivation for an end-to-end development environment
When WebSphere Commerce V5.4 was initially released in March 2002, the
official development tool included with WebSphere Commerce Studio was
VisualAge® for Java. In April 2003, WebSphere Commerce V5.4 officially gained
support for WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5 when using WebSphere
Commerce FixPak and the corresponding WebSphere Commerce
WebSphere Studio Application Developer Toolkit. When using WebSphere
Studio Application Developer, developers can create, modify, and test
WebSphere Commerce JSPs, commands, and EJBs within one development
tool. The test environment uses the WebSphere Application Server V4.0.5
runtime within WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.
WebSphere Portal V4.2.1 solutions are developed using the WebSphere Studio
Application Developer V5. Due to some restrictions within WebSphere Studio
Application Developer, a portal developer is only able to debug a portal
application when the WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Single Server
Edition V4 runtime is used.
The following capabilities are desirable when developing a commerce enabled
portal solution:
򐂰 An end-to-end development and test scenario to develop, test, and debug
commerce enabled portals including WebSphere Commerce code.
򐂰 Leverage the full WebSphere Studio Application Developer development
environment capabilities to develop and test stores including HTML,
commands, commerce portlets, commerce portlet JSP, and WAP WML JSPs
within the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Test Environment.
򐂰 Leverage the full WebSphere Application Developer Studio to develop, test,
and debug portlets.
򐂰 Simulate single sign-on to leverage the Commerce Enhancement Pack
Chapter 6. Implement the development environment 255
The interaction flow in the commerce enabled portal end-to-end development
solution is summarized as follows:
1. The portal developer debugs the portal site using WebSphere Studio
Application Developer by using hooks into a commerce portlet for debugging.
2. The portlet communicates with the WebSphere Test Environment of
WebSphere Studio Application Developer while sending an HTTP URL
controller command to port 8080.
3. The WebSphere Test Environment receives the portlet request. The
environment is configured to stop if a request is recognized. The debugger is
started and the WebSphere Commerce developer is now able to debug the
code. The JSP debugger can be used by starting the tool and setting break
points in advance of the request for the JSP.
4. The URL controller command redirects to a JSP, which renders the
appropriate markup language. The JSP debugger can be used to follow the
generation process.
5. When the JSP compilation and execution completes, the response is passed
to the portlet.
6. The portal developer debugs the WebSphere Commerce response and
controls the portal rendering.
6.1.2 Solution overview for an end-to-end development environment
This section provides detailed information for identifying which changes are
necessary to achieve an end-to-end test and debug of commerce enabled portal
solutions. A brief overview of the solution is illustrated in Figure 6-1 on page 256.
Note: The WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5, WebSphere
Application Server V4.0.5 runtime environment does not support
WebSphere security settings and single sign-on services.
Note: The components of WebSphere Commerce development
environment and WebSphere Portal development environment can be
installed on the same machine or separate machines.
256 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
Figure 6-1 Enabling end-to-end testing
WebSphere Commerce
The developer is able to develop customized code and JSPs provided by
WebSphere Studio Application Developer. After installing and configuring the
Commerce Enhancement Pack, a developer is now able to develop commerce
enabled JSPs as well as business logic to serve HTML/WML portal request. The
WebSphere Test Environment remains unchanged.
Security and single sign-on services are not supported within the WebSphere
Studio Application Developer Test Environment (WebSphere Application Server
V4.0.5, Advanced Single Server Edition) but can be simulated. Therefore, the
WebSphere Commerce developer has to create users within the WebSphere
Commerce environment. In general, the developer uses the WebSphere
Commerce Administrator Console.
User authentication is based on the WebSphere Commerce services.
WebSphere Commerce offers the Logon URL controller command to authenticate
a user by the designated logonId and logonPassword. The command creates a
set of WebSphere Commerce cookies that authenticates/identifies the user.
WebSphere Test Environment
for WebSphere Commerce
HTTP Listener
on port 8080
WebSphere Portal
First call to a WCS instance
commerce enabled portlets

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