Chapter 7. Create a commerce enabled portal store 291
7.3 Customizing the ITSO B2B CEP store
This section outlines the steps to enable existing JSPs for commerce enabled
portlets in the ITSO B2B CEP store.
The JSPs of a commerce enabled portal must be modified to work properly with
the WebSphere Portal. There are several restrictions and constraints you have to
address within the JSPs:
JavaScript naming convention
Form naming conventions
Stripping HTML tags
Enable Portal URI
Developing commerce enabled portlets
7.3.1 JavaScript naming convention
There is a one-to-many relationship between the WebSphere Commerce Portal
portlets JSPs and the commerce enabled portlets. For example, several Product
Display portlets can be aggregated, each accessing the ProductDisplay.jsp.
Within the JSP, a set of JavaScript elements can be defined. This leads to the
circumstance that the JavaScript code is included multiple times within the
generated HTML output of the portal page, which can create problems for a Web
browser client.
If you are using JavaScript elements in the JSP, ensure that during the
generation process the elements are uniquely defined. This can be solved as
Timestamp approach
Concatenate the JavaScript with a timestamp object to uniquely identify the
JavaScript for the generated portlet.
Additional key/value pairs
Pass additional key/value pairs to the JSP (for example, portlet ID).
Concatenate the JavaScript name with the value of the key object to uniquely
identify the JavaScript for the generated portlet.
Note: You can call the Now method from the class to retrieve a timestamp
292 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
Timestamp approach
The modifications to enable JavaScript elements across commerce enabled
portlets are done as follows:
1. Open the portal_jsp/include/GetResource.jsp file in a text editor.
2. Add the following statement:
int lTimeStamp =;
3. Save the file.
4. For each JSP, do the following:
a. Open your JSP that contains the JavaScript function.
b. Rename each JavaScript function as seen in Example 7-3.
Example 7-3 Modified submitSearch JavaScript function
function submitSearch<%=lTimeStamp%>(form)
<% /* Show products & items if a SKU number is entered.
* (A SKU number is unique in a store)
* Only list items on the result page if 'manufacturer name' or
* 'manufacturer part number' fields are input.
*/ %>
if (form.sku.value !="")
form.resultType.value = "3"
else if (form.manufacturer.value != "" ||
form.manufacturerPartNum.value != "")
form.resultType.value = "1"
c. Save the JavaServer Page.
7.3.2 Form naming conventions
There is a one-to-many relationship between the WebSphere Commerce Portal
portlet JSPs and commerce enabled portlets. For example, several Search
portlets can be aggregated, each accessing the AdvancedSearch.jsp. Within the
JSP a set of form elements can be defined. This leads to the circumstance that
Note: In order to use the lTimeStamp variable, each portal JSP must
include the include/GetResource.jsp file.
Chapter 7. Create a commerce enabled portal store 293
the generated code includes multiple forms of the same name within the
generated HTML output of the portal page, which can create problems for a Web
browser client.
If you are using form elements in the JSP, make sure that during the generation
process the form elements are uniquely defined. This can be solved as follows:
Timestamp approach
Concatenate the form name with a timestamp object to uniquely identify the
JavaScript for the generated portlet.
Additional key/value pairs
Pass additional key/value pairs to the JSP (for example, portlet ID).
Concatenate the form name with the value of the key object to uniquely
identify the JavaScript for the generated portlet.
Timestamp approach
The modifications to enable HTML FORM tags across commerce enabled
portlets are done as follows:
1. Open the portal_jsp/include/GetResource.jsp file in a text editor.
2. Add the following statement:
int lTimeStamp =;
3. Save the file.
4. For each JavaServer Page, do the following:
a. Open your JavaServer Page that contains the JavaScript function.
b. Rename each form as follows:
Example 7-4 Modified AdvancedSearchForm HTML <form> tag
<form method="post" action="<%=sPortalURI%>"
c. Save the JavaServer Page.
Note: You can call the Now method from the class to retrieve a timestamp
Note: In order to use the lTimeStamp variable each portal JavaServer Page
must include the include/GetResource.jsp file.
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