SG24-6890-00 ISBN 0738428000
IBM Redbooks are developed by
the IBM International Technical
Support Organization. Experts
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For more information:
WebSphere Commerce
Portal V5.4 Solutions
Integrating WebSphere Commerce V5.4,
Business Edition and WebSphere Portal V4.2
Commerce portal
architecture and
design guidelines
Implement a
commerce portal
runtime and
Working example for
developing a
commerce enabled
portal B2B site
Portals provide the user with a single point of access to a wide
variety of content, data and services throughout an enterprise.
The content displayed in portlets on the portal page can be
personalized based on user preferences, site design and
marketing campaigns.
IBM WebSphere Commerce Portal provides an integrated
solution for aggregating and personalizing commerce content
and data by leveraging the technologies of WebSphere
Commerce V5.4 and WebSphere Portal V4.2. When using the
WebSphere Commerce Portal, users have a single point of
access to personalized content in portlets from Web browser
clients and mobile devices.
This IBM Redbook provides an overview of the WebSphere
Commerce Portal benefits, features and architecture. The focus
of the redbook is an end-to-end working example scenario for a
commerce enabled portal B2B store. The working example
includes the following topics: business requirements analysis
and solution design, multi-tiered runtime implementation
procedures, development environment with source level debug
of commerce portlets and JSPs, create a commerce enabled
portal store using WebSphere Studio Application Developer,
create Dynamic Context Groups, and mobile client access.
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