78 WebSphere Commerce V7.0 Feature Pack 2 Search Solution Overview and Deployment
Figure 3-66 Recommendations E-Spot after activating the rule for search term cup results
3.2.5 Product promotion
In the current scenario, the system issues a 15% off of the total order coupon to customers
who search for bodysuit within the specified time frame. To implement this product
promotion, you must create a coupon promotion and it needs to be associated to a new dialog
activity that defines the trigger to issue the coupon. You must create a new dialog activity to
communicate the promotion information to the customer based on the search trigger.
Follow these steps to create the promotion:
1. Log on to the Management Center.
Chapter 3. Search business rules 79
2. Open the Promotions tool, as shown in Figure 3-67.
Figure 3-67 Open the Promotions tool
3. Select Promotion from the Create New toolbar icon, as shown in Figure 3-68.
Figure 3-68 Create a new promotion
4. Select Order promotions from the Promotion Type Selector.
80 WebSphere Commerce V7.0 Feature Pack 2 Search Solution Overview and Deployment
5. For Name, choose Percentage off an order and click OK, as shown in Figure 3-69.
Figure 3-69 Select the promotion type
Chapter 3. Search business rules 81
6. Enter the following values in the Promotion Properties section, as shown in Figure 3-70:
a. For Administrative name, enter 15% off orders.
b. For Redemption method, select Coupon promotion.
c. For Number of days until coupon expires, select 90.
d. For Priority, select 200.
Figure 3-70 Enter the promotion properties
82 WebSphere Commerce V7.0 Feature Pack 2 Search Solution Overview and Deployment
7. Enter the following values in the purchase condition and reward section as shown in
Figure 3-71:
a. Minimum purchase condition:
i. For Minimum Order Purchase, enter 10.00.
ii. For Percentage Discount on Order (%), enter 15.
iii. For Maximum Discount Amount, enter 5000.
b. For Target payment type, select Any payment type.
Figure 3-71 Enter the purchase conditions

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