WebSphere Digital Media Enable V5.5 Solutions

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication and its sample code provides IT architects, IT specialists, and developers with the critical knowledge to design, develop, deploy, and manage a WebSphere Digital Media Enabler solution.

In Part 1, "Introduction to IBM WebSphere Digital Media Enabler V5.5", we will introduce digital media concepts, scenarios for using digital media, and highlight key features. Next, we will take an in-depth look at the WDME run-time architecture, store and programming model, data model, and customization points.

In Part 2, "ITSO digital media working example”, we create an end-to-end working example to design, develop, deploy, and manage a digital media enabled store. This part includes planning a business scenario, requirements analysis, and a solution design. We will provide detailed procedures, including best practices for implementing the run time and development environments. Next, we will provide design and customization guidelines for the data model and metadata load files. In addition, we will include detailed examples for creating and customizing the store front assets of a digital media enabled store. Last, we will provide examples of key tasks required to manage a digital media store.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Part 1: Introduction to IBM WebSphere Digital Media Enabler V5.5
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction
      1. Overview and key concepts (1/2)
      2. Overview and key concepts (2/2)
        1. Digital media asset types
        2. Digital media lifecycle
        3. Digital Asset Management System
        4. IBM Digital Media Factory
        5. Market drivers
      3. Solution software
        1. Run-time environment product packaging
        2. Development environment product packaging
      4. Target audience of redbook
      5. For more information (1/2)
      6. For more information (2/2)
    2. Chapter 2: Features and scenarios
      1. Features (1/2)
      2. Features (2/2)
        1. Navigating a digital media store
        2. Search and retrieval
        3. Protecting the digital assets
        4. Media folders
        5. Subscriptions
        6. Product cart
        7. Order history and interactive download of digital media
        8. Account management
        9. Content management
      3. Scenarios for using digital media
        1. Selling digital media
        2. Distributing digital media
    3. Chapter 3: Architecture
      1. Run-time architecture (1/2)
      2. Run-time architecture (2/2)
        1. High-level solution architecture
        2. Solution components
        3. Subsystems
        4. Run-time patterns and product mapping
      3. Application architecture (1/2)
      4. Application architecture (2/2)
        1. Application architecture overview
        2. Digital media application asset types
        3. Programming and store model
      5. Data model and content management architecture (1/5)
      6. Data model and content management architecture (2/5)
      7. Data model and content management architecture (3/5)
      8. Data model and content management architecture (4/5)
      9. Data model and content management architecture (5/5)
        1. Data model architecture
        2. Content Management architecture
    4. Chapter 4: Persistent business objects
      1. New WebSphere Digital Media Enabler objects (1/4)
      2. New WebSphere Digital Media Enabler objects (2/4)
      3. New WebSphere Digital Media Enabler objects (3/4)
      4. New WebSphere Digital Media Enabler objects (4/4)
        1. Folder objects
        2. Library objects
        3. Usage pricing objects
        4. E-mail objects
        5. Query objects
      5. WebSphere Commerce business objects (1/2)
      6. WebSphere Commerce business objects (2/2)
        1. User subsystem
        2. Catalog subsystem
        3. Order subsystem
        4. Inventory subsystem
        5. Offering subsystem (prices)
        6. Store subsystem
      7. Content Manager and the Digital Media repository (1/2)
      8. Content Manager and the Digital Media repository (2/2)
        1. Understanding the Content Manager datatype
        2. Specifying data for the WebSphere Commerce catalog
        3. Loading digital goods into the repository
        4. Extracting digital media attribute values for a view
  4. Part 2: ITSO digital media working example
    1. Chapter 5: Requirements analysis and solution design
      1. Development methodology: phases and lifecycle
        1. Lifecycle phases
        2. Mapping of redbook topics to lifecycle phases
      2. Learn from experience (1/2)
      3. Learn from experience (2/2)
        1. Planning considerations
        2. Requirements gathering and design considerations
        3. Implementation considerations
        4. Site testing considerations
        5. Deployment and launch considerations
      4. ITSO working example: business scenario
      5. ITSO working example: requirements analysis (1/4)
      6. ITSO working example: requirements analysis (2/4)
      7. ITSO working example: requirements analysis (3/4)
      8. ITSO working example: requirements analysis (4/4)
        1. ITSO requirements
        2. Initial context
        3. System context
        4. Use case model
      9. ITSO working example: solution design
        1. ITSO systems architecture
        2. ITSO store data model
        3. ITSO store customizations
    2. Chapter 6: Implement the run-time environment
      1. Planning and scenario overview
        1. Scenario overview
        2. Hardware and software prerequisites
        3. Hardware used within the ITSO run-time environment
        4. Software used within the ITSO run-time environment
        5. Software installation paths and variables
      2. Content Manager node implementation (1/10)
      3. Content Manager node implementation (2/10)
      4. Content Manager node implementation (3/10)
      5. Content Manager node implementation (4/10)
      6. Content Manager node implementation (5/10)
      7. Content Manager node implementation (6/10)
      8. Content Manager node implementation (7/10)
      9. Content Manager node implementation (8/10)
      10. Content Manager node implementation (9/10)
      11. Content Manager node implementation (10/10)
        1. Windows 2000 Server installation
        2. DB2 Universal Database installation
        3. DB2 Net Search Extender installation
        4. Microsoft Visual C++ installation
        5. WebSphere Application Server installation
        6. IBM HTTP Server SSL configuration
        7. WebSphere Application Server configuration
        8. Create user IDs with rights and privileges for Content Manager
        9. Remove environment variable
        10. DB2 Content Manager installation
        11. DB2 Content Manager verification
        12. DB2 Information Integrator for Content (EIP) installation
        13. Back up the Content Manager databases
        14. Create Content Manager user IDs for WDME
      12. WDME node implementation (1/6)
      13. WDME node implementation (2/6)
      14. WDME node implementation (3/6)
      15. WDME node implementation (4/6)
      16. WDME node implementation (5/6)
      17. WDME node implementation (6/6)
        1. Windows 2000 Server installation
        2. WebSphere Commerce V5.5 installation
        3. DB2 UDB V8.1 FixPack 2 installation
        4. WebSphere Application Server V5 FixPack 1 installation
        5. WebSphere Commerce V5.5.0.2 FixPack installation
        6. WebSphere Commerce instance creation
        7. WebSphere Commerce Payments instance creation
        8. Configure e-mail
        9. Database backup (wc5502)
        10. Start servers
        11. Verify the WebSphere Commerce run-time environment
        12. DB2 client configuration to Content Manager node
        13. DB2 Information Integrator for Content (EIP) installation
        14. WDME installation
        15. Database backup (wdme55)
      18. Where to go next
    3. Chapter 7: Implement the development environment
      1. Development environment configuration options (1/3)
      2. Development environment configuration options (2/3)
      3. Development environment configuration options (3/3)
        1. Motivation for an end-to-end development environment
        2. Solution overview for an end-to-end development environment
        3. ITSO WDME development environment nodes
        4. ITSO WDME development environment hardware
        5. Development environment limitations
      4. WebSphere Commerce Studio implementation (1/4)
      5. WebSphere Commerce Studio implementation (2/4)
      6. WebSphere Commerce Studio implementation (3/4)
      7. WebSphere Commerce Studio implementation (4/4)
        1. Windows 2000 installation
        2. Install WebSphere Commerce Studio V5.5
        3. Install WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0.1 PTF
        4. Install WebSphere Test Environment V5.0.1
        5. WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0.1 Interim Fix 003
        6. Install DB2 UDB V8.1 FixPack 2
        7. Install WebSphere Commerce Studio Toolkit V5.5.0.2 FixPack
      8. WebSphere Commerce Studio configuration (1/2)
      9. WebSphere Commerce Studio configuration (2/2)
        1. Required post-install configuration
        2. Optional post-install configuration
        3. Configure the default Web browser
        4. Set default XML editor to optimize performance
      10. WebSphere Commerce Studio verification
        1. Start the WebSphere Commerce Payments Server
        2. Start the WebSphere Commerce Server
        3. Back up the workspace and databases
      11. Content Manager node implementation
      12. Add WDME to WebSphere Commerce Studio (1/6)
      13. Add WDME to WebSphere Commerce Studio (2/6)
      14. Add WDME to WebSphere Commerce Studio (3/6)
      15. Add WDME to WebSphere Commerce Studio (4/6)
      16. Add WDME to WebSphere Commerce Studio (5/6)
      17. Add WDME to WebSphere Commerce Studio (6/6)
        1. Add WDME database tables to the instance database
        2. DB2 client configuration to Content Manager node
        3. DB2 Information Integrator for Content (EIP) installation
        4. Copy files to Development node
        5. Import and update servlet mapping files
        6. Import and modify the digitalmedia.properties file
        7. Import DigitalMediaCommon.jar
        8. Import DigitalMediaEJB.jar
        9. Import DigitalMediaUsageEJB.jar
        10. Add external JARs to the server class path
        11. Start servers in WebSphere Commerce Studio
        12. Back up the WDME workspace and instance database
        13. Create and package the store archive
        14. Deploy the store archive
        15. Modify the cm8repository.properties file
        16. Modify parms.txt
        17. Modify the DMConfig.inc JSP include file
        18. Modify dmstoreload.properties
        19. Modify dmstoreconfig_.properties
        20. Create the item type and load content
        21. Modify daemon configuration files
        22. Verify the digital media store
        23. Enable reload (hot deploy of JSPs)
      18. Troubleshooting the development environment (1/2)
      19. Troubleshooting the development environment (2/2)
        1. Datasource password not defined in server configuration
        2. Cannot connect to database - incorrect database/data source
        3. Can register, but cannot log back on after logoff
        4. Accessing the tools in WebSphere Commerce Studio
    4. Chapter 8: Create and customize the store
      1. Create and package the ITSO store archive (1/3)
      2. Create and package the ITSO store archive (2/3)
      3. Create and package the ITSO store archive (3/3)
        1. Back up workspace and databases
        2. Create the Packaging project
        3. Required customization for store publishing
        4. Package a store archive (SAR)
        5. Verify the store archive packaging
      4. Customization of store assets (1/10)
      5. Customization of store assets (2/10)
      6. Customization of store assets (3/10)
      7. Customization of store assets (4/10)
      8. Customization of store assets (5/10)
      9. Customization of store assets (6/10)
      10. Customization of store assets (7/10)
      11. Customization of store assets (8/10)
      12. Customization of store assets (9/10)
      13. Customization of store assets (10/10)
        1. Modify distinguished name (DN) to lower case
        2. Organizations
        3. Contracts
        4. Prune catalog data files
        5. Remove sample store images
        6. Customize the store front look and feel
        7. Customize the store front category search criteria
        8. Subscriptions
        9. Taxes, shipping couriers, and shipping prices
        10. Payment information
      14. Package the customized store assets
    5. Chapter 9: Customize the data model and XML load file
      1. Customize the data model (1/3)
      2. Customize the data model (2/3)
      3. Customize the data model (3/3)
        1. Customize wcdmattrs.properties (item type)
        2. Customize the WCDMLIBRARYITEM tables
        3. Customize dmstoreload.properties attributes
        4. Customize dmstoretext_.properties
        5. Customize store JSPs for data model
      4. Create a WDME XML load file (1/2)
      5. Create a WDME XML load file (2/2)
        1. ITSO sample content
        2. Create a template load file
        3. Create the itsoload.xml load file
    6. Chapter 10: Store deployment and content load
      1. Create the item type
        1. Prerequisites for creating the item type
        2. Create item type and attributes
        3. Copy item type and configure for automatic index
      2. Store deployment
        1. Prepare environment for store publish
        2. Publish store archive
      3. WDME configuration (1/2)
      4. WDME configuration (2/2)
        1. Copy the customized dmLibTables.sql
        2. WDME configuration (dmConfig.exe)
        3. Store profile configuration
        4. Compiling JSPs for tools and store
      5. Prepare the data model for load
        1. Modify item type name in the configuration files
        2. Modify upload daemon configuration settings
        3. Modify attributes for data model in dmstoreload.properties
        4. Set values in WCDMUSAGE table
      6. Load content using an XML load file
        1. Stop the upload daemon
        2. Copy thumbnail images
        3. Copy digital media objects to upload directory
        4. Copy the load file to upload directory
        5. Start the upload daemon
        6. Update search text index after load
        7. Verify new content is available to store search
      7. Enable subscriptions in the digital media store
        1. Modify DMConfig.inc
        2. Recompile subscription JSPs
        3. Configure e-mail for subscriptions
        4. Verify subscriptions
      8. Troubleshooting load problems
        1. Troubleshoot load failure
        2. Resolving the load problem
        3. Start the upload daemon
      9. Where to go next
    7. Chapter 11: Site testing
      1. Verify the WDME site run-time environment (1/2)
      2. Verify the WDME site run-time environment (2/2)
        1. Start Content Manager node servers
        2. Verify Content Manager - System Administration Client
        3. Start WDME node servers
        4. Verify WMDE node administration tools
      3. Verify the ITSO digital media store (1/4)
      4. Verify the ITSO digital media store (2/4)
      5. Verify the ITSO digital media store (3/4)
      6. Verify the ITSO digital media store (4/4)
        1. Verify access to the store
        2. Verify registration and log on to store
        3. Verify Library Manager
        4. Verify search for digital assets
        5. Verify media folders
        6. Verify shopping transaction
        7. Approve payment
        8. Verify delivery of digital media
        9. Verify e-mail notification
        10. Verify contracts
        11. Verify subscriptions
    8. Chapter 12: Site and store administration
      1. Site administration (1/2)
      2. Site administration (2/2)
        1. Content Manager System Administration Client
        2. Content Manager Client for Windows
        3. WebSphere Commerce Administration Tools
        4. WebSphere Commerce logging and tracing
      3. Managing content using the Library Manager (1/2)
      4. Managing content using the Library Manager (2/2)
        1. Enable user for Library Manager access
        2. Modify starting image ID in dmstoreconfig_en_US.properties
        3. Add content using the Library Manager
        4. Approve content
        5. Troubleshooting load failure
      5. Create organizations (1/3)
      6. Create organizations (2/3)
      7. Create organizations (3/3)
        1. Organizations in ITSO store archive
        2. Create the seller organization
        3. Create a buyer organization
      8. Create a business account
        1. Business account overview
        2. Business accounts in ITSO store archive
        3. Create a business account
      9. Create a contract (1/2)
      10. Create a contract (2/2)
        1. Contracts in ITSO store archive
        2. Create contract using the Accelerator
        3. Activate contract
        4. Verify the contract
  5. Part 3: Appendixes
    1. Appendix A: DB2 tips
      1. DB2 authorities and privileges overview
      2. Authorities
      3. Privileges
      4. DB2 backup and restore
      5. Back up a DB2 database
      6. Backup DB2 database via Control Center
      7. Restore a DB2 database
      8. DB2 commands
      9. Create a database
      10. List databases
      11. Drop a database
      12. Catalog a TCP/IP node
      13. Attach to a remote node
      14. Catalog a remote database
      15. Connect to a remote database
      16. Disconnect from a remote database
    2. Appendix B: Configure e-mail: James and WebSphere Commerce
      1. Installing James on the Windows platform
      2. Configure domain name for James
      3. Testing James
      4. Configure an account in Outlook Express to test James
      5. Send e-mail to verify James
      6. Enable the WebSphere Commerce e-mail transport
      7. Configure the WebSphere Commerce e-mail transport
      8. Configure WebSphere Commerce e-mail message type
      9. Verify e-mail notification for password reset
    3. Appendix C: Create an index file or alias for the store URL
      1. Index in document root
      2. Index file accessed by alias
    4. Appendix D: Configure a Content Manager Client
      1. Content Manager Client implementation
      2. Windows installation
      3. DB2 client installation
      4. IBM DB2 Client for Content Manager installation
      5. Content Manager Client verification
    5. Appendix E: Understanding dmConfig.exe
      1. Files modified by dmConfig.exe
      2. Description of updates made by dmConfig.exe
      3. Files modified that are not included in the store archive
      4. Files modified included in the store archive (1/2)
      5. Files modified included in the store archive (2/2)
    6. Appendix F: Roles and skills
      1. Digital Content Loader
      2. Digital Content Cataloger (Indexer)
      3. Digital Content Supervisor
      4. Digital Content Approver
      5. Project manager
      6. IT architect/technical lead
      7. WebSphere Commerce Site Administrator
      8. WebSphere Commerce Store Administrator
      9. Database schema owner (creation/migration expert)
      10. Database Administrator (DBA)
      11. Product manager
      12. Java programmer
      13. Web developer
      14. Tester
      15. Line-of-business (LOB) user
    7. Appendix G: Additional material
      1. Locating the Web material
      2. Using the Web material
      3. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      4. How to use the Web material
      5. Description of sample code
  6. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  7. Index (1/3)
  8. Index (2/3)
  9. Index (3/3)
  10. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: WebSphere Digital Media Enable V5.5 Solutions
  • Author(s): John Ganci, Lance Bader, Deborah Howard, Valeriy Sylenko
  • Release date: April 2004
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None