54 WebSphere eXtreme Scale Best Practices for Operation and Management
After we have the value of the numberOfObjects and averageObjectSize, we can complete the
memory size calculations:
1. Calculate the memory required for this map:
primaryObjectMemory = numberOfObjects * averageObjectSize
2. Repeat step 1 for each map in this grid.
3. Add all primaryObjectMemory numbers together to come up with a primaryObjectMemory
for all maps in this grid, which will be used for all subsequent steps.
4. Calculate the maximum size of the data to be stored, which includes primaries and
replicas (it does not matter whether they will be synchronous or asynchronous replicas):
totalObjectMemory = primaryObjectMemory + primaryObjectMemory *
4.1.5 Determining the maximum heap size and physical memory per JVM
Next, we want to know how much object memory will be taken up by our object data
(primaries and replicas) in each of our container JVMs. WebSphere eXtreme Scale places
objects evenly across our C containers (pick an arbitrary C to start with, because we can
validate and fix it up later if necessary).
containerObjectMemory = totalObjectMemory / C (do not round anything yet)
Determining maximum heap size
Use containerObjectMemory to determine the maxHeapSizePerJVM. The calculations will
take the following information into account:
The containerObjectMemory value will be less than the maximum heap size of the JVM,
because WebSphere eXtreme Scale itself (and WebSphere Application Server if your
containers are in a managed installation topology) uses heap memory. We will account for
this situation with the following variables:
– WXS-Footprint = WebSphere eXtreme Scale runtime memory consumption in the
JVM. As of WebSphere eXtreme Scale V7.0 or V7.1, WXS-Footprint = 100 MB
– WAS-Footprint = WebSphere Application Server runtime memory consumption in the
JVM. As of WebSphere Application Server V6.1, WAS-Footprint = 300 MB (roughly).
You are more likely to avoid Java OutOfMemoryErrors if you run at 60% of the maximum
heap size for your JVM; you might be able to push this limit higher, depending on your
particular situation.
We will use a 1.7 multiplier to represent the 60% heap utilization factor.
So, you can calculate the maximum heap size for the JVMs with the following formula:
maxHeapSizePerJVM = (containerObjectMemory + WXS-Footprint + WAS-Footprint ) * 1.7
Adjusting footprint estimates for the class data sharing feature
As of Java Platform 2, Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0, for most Java Developer Kit providers, a
Java feature called
class data sharing might be significant here. This feature means that,
within a single node, if the same classes are loaded in more than one JVM, that only one copy
is held in memory and shared among all the JVMs. For us, that means that the WAS-Footprint
(which is mostly classes of executable code) only has to be counted for one JVM in each
node. Continue to count the WXS-Footprint for each JVM, because it is mostly
container-specific data. Confirm that your JSE or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (JEE)