Chapter 4. Capacity planning and tuning 63
Assume four servers can provide enough of the throughput that is required (that is, the
number of servers from “4.1.9, “Determining the number of CPUs” on page 60” is
greater than 4), then we can fill out all the data in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2 Sizing requirements for data center 1
4.2 Tuning the JVM
In general, few or no special JVM settings are required for a WebSphere eXtreme Scale
environment. This section will provide additional guidance about JVM tuning options that can
help improve performance.
4.2.1 Selecting a JVM for performance
WebSphere eXtreme Scale supports Java SE Version 1.4.2, and later, and works on 32-bit or
64-bit JVMs. The recommendation is to use the latest available version of Java Platform,
Standard Edition for the best performance.
WebSphere Application Server V7 uses the IBM virtual machine for Java (IBM JVM) based on
Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6.0) on platforms other than Solaris and HP-UX.
For Solaris and HP-UX, the Sun HotSpot JVM is used.
To streamline support issues, it is also recommended that you use the JVM from the
WebSphere run time on any platform that WebSphere Application Server supports. Using a
JVM from another vendor will require that you go to that vendor for JVM-related issues, plus
you might miss out on key features, such as compressed references.
4.2.2 Tuning for efficient garbage collection
Garbage collection is the process of freeing unused objects so that portions of the JVM heap
can be reused. Garbage collection is triggered automatically when there is a request for
memory, for example when creating an object, and when the request cannot be readily
satisfied from the free memory that is available in the heap (allocation failure). WebSphere
WebSphere eXtreme Scale creates temporary objects that are associated with each
transaction. Because these objects affect garbage collection efficiency, tuning garbage
collection is important.
IBM JVM and Sun HotSpot garbage collection schemes
Although the garbage collection function that is provided by the Sun HotSpot and IBM
garbage collectors is the same, the underlying technology differs.
Value Data center 1
Number of servers (physical machines) 4
Number of CPUs 4 * 2 = 8 cores
Total physical memory 26 GB * 4 servers = 104 GB
Number of WebSphere eXtreme Scale
container JVMs
MaxHeapSize per JVM, also known as Xmx 5376 m or 5.376 GB
numberOfPartitions 83

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