74 WebSphere eXtreme Scale Best Practices for Operation and Management
Disabling a loader reference on the client
Because a client inherits the configuration of the containers to which it connects, you might
find your client throwing a ClassNotFoundException for a loader class that you configured on
your container servers. You can use a client ObjectGrid descriptor XML file to fix this situation
as well. If you recall, you configured your loader in your server XML file using the
"backingMapPlugins" parameter on a BackingMap. In Example 5-2, you see that the
backingMap clause has no "backingMapPlugins" parameter; the absence of this parameter
keeps the client from trying to find the loader class and fixes the problem. A similar technique
can be used to blank out references to evictor classes and other plug-ins on the client side if
they are not appropriate there.
5.1.3 Server properties
There are a number of configuration parameters that are not set using the server XML files.
Each WebSphere eXtreme Scale catalog server or container server can be configured
through a local configuration file called objectGridServer.properties. We will cover a subset
of these properties here. You can find a complete description of all the configuration options
that are available in the objectGridServer.properties file at this website:
Note the following configuration properties for the objectGridServer.properties file:
򐂰 minThreads and maxThreads
Controls the number of threads that are used by the internal thread pool in the run time for
built-in evictors and DataGrid API operations.
򐂰 serverName
Sets the server name that is used to identify the server.
򐂰 zoneName
Sets the name of the zone to which the server belongs.
򐂰 enableQuorum
Enables quorum for the catalog service.
򐂰 heartBeatFrequencyLevel
Specifies how often heartbeats occur.
򐂰 securityEnabled
Enables container server security when set to true. This property must match the
securityEnabled property that is specified in the objectGridSecurity.xml file that is
provided to the catalog server.
򐂰 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) transport layer security properties
Provides a range of configuration properties to configure SSL transport layer security.
Other security-related configurations, such as authentication, are done in the security.xml
file. See the product documentation for details.
Chapter 5. Grid configuration 75
Configuring server properties in WebSphere Application Server
WebSphere eXtreme Scale can automatically load the server properties file upon the start of
the container or catalog server in WebSphere Application Server. Create a file called
objectGridServer.properties and place it in a directory that is in the server’s class path.
For example, you can place the file in the properties directory of the WebSphere Application
Server profile. When you restart the WebSphere Application Server process, you can confirm
that the server properties are loaded from the SystemOut.log, as shown in Example 5-3 on
page 75.
Example 5-3 WebSphere eXtreme Scale server properties are loaded
CWOBJ3142I: This WebSphere Application Server is not associated with a WebSphere
eXtreme Scale zone. In order to start the server in a zone, ensure that the
server's node is within a node group whose name begins with the string
CWOBJ0903I: The internal version of WebSphere eXtreme Scale is v4.2.0 (
CWOBJ0913I: Server property files have been loaded:
Alternatively, use the following procedure to set a JVM custom property that explicitly
references a server properties file on the file system:
1. In the WebSphere administrative console, go to the actual WebSphere Application Server
2. In the right panel, click Java and Process Management Process Definition Java
Virtual Machine Custom properties.
3. Click New to create a new JVM custom property:
a. Enter objectgrid.server.props as the name for the custom property.
b. Enter <file> as the value, where <file> is the file name of the server properties file.
c. Optionally, provide a description, for example WebSphere eXtreme Scale server
properties file.
d. Click Apply.
4. Save the changes to the master configuration.
5. Restart the WebSphere Application Server process for the changes to take effect.
Configuring server properties in stand-alone environments
WebSphere eXtreme Scale can automatically load the server properties file upon the start of
the container or catalog server. Create a file called objectGridServer.properties, and place
it in a directory that is contained by the server’s class path. For example, you can place the file
in the properties directory of the WebSphere eXtreme Scale product
Warning: The objectGridServer.properties file will not be loaded if it is within a Java EE
application’s class path; it has to be in the server’s class path.

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