Chapter 5. Grid configuration 87
When all three catalog servers are running, they establish a catalog service cluster where
one catalog server is elected to act as the master catalog service. The remaining catalog
servers will act as standby servers. The message from the SystemOut.log, which is shown in
Example 5-9, indicates that this catalog server acts as the master.
Example 5-9 Log message to provide the status of the catalog server cluster
[10/21/10 14:25:37:343 CDT] 00000012 CatalogServer I CWOBJ8109I: Updated catalog
service cluster CatalogCluster[thinkCell01, 1 master: 1 standbys] from server
thinkCell01\thinkNode02\nodeagent with entry CatalogServerEntry...
5.3 ObjectGrid plug-ins
A ObjectGrid plug-in is a plug-in that affects the behavior of a grid.
There are multiple ObjectGrid plug-ins:
TransactionCallback: Provides transaction life-cycle events
ObjectGridEventListener: Provides ObjectGrid life-cycle events for the ObjectGrid, shards,
and transactions
SubjectSource, ObjectGridAuthorization, and SubjectValidation: Custom authentication
and authorization mechanisms
MapAuthorization (deprecated): Custom authorization mechanism
This section describes the TransactionCallback and ObjectGridEventListener plug-ins.
5.3.1 The TransactionCallback plug-in
Create, read, update, and delete operations in a map happen in the context of an ObjectGrid
transaction. When the ObjectGrid interface is used to inline cache a database, the grid is
usually configured to use a loader plug-in. The loader plug-in is responsible for fetching data
from a back-end database to put into a WebSphere eXtreme Scale map or for reflecting the
changes that occur in a map into the back-end database.
A TransactionCallback plug-in allows the WebSphere eXtreme Scale transactions to be
coordinated with the transactions of the back-end system in the case where your application
accepts WebSphere eXtreme Scale as the transaction coordinator (meaning that your
application code explicitly calls the Session.begin(), Session.getMap(), and Session.commit()
methods). A TransactionCallback plug-in manages the begin and commit transaction
life-cycle events. WebSphere eXtreme Scale does not support two-phase commit
transactions (XA), but it has been reported that a WebSphere eXtreme Scale transaction can
be used successfully in a global transaction if it is the last participant (which is supported in
Important: Because the deployment manager now also acts as a catalog server, it has
become a more important part of the runtime infrastructure. Prior to use with WebSphere
eXtreme Scale, stopping and starting the deployment manager did not impact the
availability of applications running in the cell. However, stopping and starting the
deployment manager
does have an impact when the deployment manager is running a
catalog service. Stopping the deployment manager reduces the number of running catalog
servers. When quorum is enabled, the catalog service loses quorum, and no master
catalog server is active.