122 WebSphere eXtreme Scale Best Practices for Operation and Management
Example 6-7 JVM output messages when the memory threshold default value is changed
CWOBJ0046I: The memoryThresholdPercentage property was not provided in a server
properties file and the MemoryMXPool bean was not set (current value = 0). A
default value of 70 will be used.
CWOBJ0034I: Memory utilization threshold percentage is set to 70 %.
CWOBJ0036W: Changing memory utilization threshold from 0K to 367001K for Java
heap memory pool.
CWOBJ0037W: Changing memory collection utilization threshold from 0K to 367001K
for Java heap memory pool.
CWOBJ0034I: Memory utilization threshold percentage is set to 60 %.
CWOBJ0036W: Changing memory utilization threshold from 367001K to 314572K for
Java heap memory pool.
CWOBJ0037W: Changing memory collection utilization threshold from 367001K to
314572K for Java heap memory pool.
CWOBJ0034I: Memory utilization threshold percentage is set to 60 %.
6.3 Locking performance preferred practices
An ObjectGrid BackingMap supports several locking strategies to maintain cache entry
consistency. You can configure each BackingMap to use one of the following locking
򐂰 Pessimistic locking mode
򐂰 Optimistic locking mode
򐂰 None
Set the locking strategy on the BackingMap. You cannot change the locking strategy for each
transaction. The following example shows how to set the locking mode on a map using the
XML file:
<backingMap name="myMap" lockStrategy="PESSIMISTIC" />
6.3.1 Pessimistic locking strategy
The pessimistic locking strategy acquires locks for cache entries. Use this strategy when data
is changed frequently. Any time that a cache entry is read, a lock is acquired and held
conditionally until the transaction completes. The duration of certain locks can be tuned using
transaction isolation levels for the session.
6.3.2 Optimistic locking strategy
Optimistic locking is the default configuration. This strategy improves both performance and
scalability when compared to the pessimistic strategy. Use this strategy when your
applications can tolerate occasional optimistic update failures. They perform better than they
will by using the pessimistic strategy. This strategy is excellent for read operations and
infrequent update applications.
Messages: The first message showing that the memoryThresholdPercentage was not
provided is quite confusing. It is obviously contradicted with the next message showing that
the memory threshold percentage was set to another value than the default. These
messages are normal in the current product.

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