— 11 —


Vivek and I worked on the interview notes and opportunity analyses through dinner, until almost 9:00 p.m. At that point, I was fried. Vivek, of course, was going strong. But I needed a break.

“Vivek. Listen, I need a short break. I told Ken that I would call him. I think I’ll do that now.”

“Thanks for letting me know. I’ll keep working.”

Geez, that’s all Vivek ever does—he keeps working. Not only was I impressed by Vivek’s intelligence and time management skills—which were awesome—I was blown away by his stamina. I wondered if I would ever be able to work that hard.

Probably not.

I stepped into the hallway so I wouldn’t disturb Vivek. Also, given my last phone call with Ken—when was that? Oh yeah, yesterday! But given that ...

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