Chapter ThreeWhat's Wrong with Business

What's wrong with business? Plenty, I can assure you. Let's start with the basics.

Why Do Businesses Exist?

People get so confused about this one. Too many believe that the business exists to take care of them: to make sure they have a nice, comfortable place to go to pass their time and visit with friends and play on the Internet and to get paid however much it takes to support their chosen lifestyle. Then you have those who believe business exists as a place of toil and heartache where the mean old bosses expect them to actually break a sweat to support their greed. A place where they are committed to giving as little as possible—just enough to keep from getting fired—and they are convinced that they are the targets of billionaire CEOs who stand on the necks of the little guy who makes it all possible. Then there is that group who honestly don't care. They are so apathetic that they make no connection with their own effort and what is actually being done at the business that pays them. As a customer, you can always spot these folks, can't you? Phones stuck to their ears, and upon seeing a customer they roll their eyes and begrudgingly tell their friends, “I have to go, some asshole wants something.” Well, to these folks and all the other categories of employees out there, here is a revelation for you: businesses exist to make money. Yep, that's it. Their sole goal is profitability. Sounds completely soulless doesn't it? But for those ...

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