Timeline of SignificantIndonesian Legislation

According to the People's Consultative Assembly of Indonesia (MPR— Majelis Perwakilan Rakyat), Ketetapan (TAP) MPR TAP III/MPR/2000, there is a new hierarchy of regulations within the nation (listed below in order of highest to lowest value):

  1. Indonesian Constitution (UUD—Undang-Undang Dasar)
  2. Acts of Parliament/Decree of People's Consultative Assembly (TAP MPR— Ketetapan MPR)
  3. Laws (UU—Undang-Undang)
  4. Government regulations (PP—Peraturan Pemerintah)
  5. Presidential decrees/decisions (Keppres—Keputusan President)
  6. Regional Regulations (Peraturan Daerah)

Any regulation cannot conflict with those at a higher level. The important category of ministerial decrees or decision letters (SK—Surat Keputusan ...

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