#28: Making Sure a Response Is One of a Set of Given Values

As I told you earlier, you can never assume that the data passed on by a form is safe. Let's look at this simple form item:

<SELECT NAME="card_type">
<OPTION value="visa">Visa</OPTION>
<OPTION value="amex">American Express</OPTION>
<OPTION value="mastercard">MasterCard</OPTION>

How do you ensure that the data you're looking at is really Visa, American Express, or MasterCard? Simple: You store the data in array keys and then look at the array to make sure that there's an exact match. Here's an example:

<?php $credit_cards = array( "amex" => true, "visa" => true, "mastercard" => true, ); $card_type = $_POST["card_type"]; if ($credit_cards[$card_type]) { print "$card_type is a valid ...

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