CIA Exam Study Preparation Resources

We recommend the following study plan and three review products for each Part of the CIA Exam to succeed in the exam:

  • Read each part’s review book (Theory)
  • Practice the web-based online test bank software (Practice)
  • Reinforce the theoretical concepts by studying the Focus Notes (Theory)

A series of review books have been prepared for the candidate to utilize for all three parts of the new CIA exam. Each part’s review book includes a comprehensive coverage of the subject matter (theory) followed by some sample practice multiple-choice (M/C) questions with answers and explanations (practice). The sample practice M/C questions included in the review book are taken from the Wiley’s web-based online test software to show you the flavor of questions. Each part’s review book contains a glossary section, which is a good source for answering M/C questions on the CIA Exam.

The web-based online test bank software is a robust review product that simulates the format of the actual CIA Exam in terms of look and feel, thus providing intense practice and greater confidence to the CIA Exam candidates. The thousands of sample practice questions (5,275 plus) included in the online test bank can provide greater confidence and solid assurance to CIA exam candidates in that they are preparing well for all the required topics tested in the exam. All practice questions include explanations for the correct answer and are organized by domain topics within each part. ...

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