30ASC 410 Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations

  1. Perspective and Issues
    1. Subtopics
    2. Scope and Scope Exceptions
      1. ASC 410-20
      2. ASC 410-30
  2. Definitions of Terms
  3. Concepts, Rules, and Examples
    1. ASC 410-20, Asset Retirement Obligations
      1. Asset Retirement Obligations Requiring Recognition
        1. Examples of the Scope of ASC 410-20
        2. Example of Timing of Recognition
        3. Example of Ongoing Additions to the Obligation
      2. Recognition
      3. Initial Measurement
      4. Initially Applying an Expected Present Value Method
      5. Allocation of an Asset Retirement Obligation
      6. Changes Due to Passage of Time
      7. Changes in Estimates
      8. Funding and Assurance Provisions
      9. Rate-Regulated Entities
        1. Example—Initial Measurement and Recognition
        2. Example—Accounting in Subsequent Periods
      10. Electronic Equipment Waste Obligations
    2. ASC 410-30, Environmental Obligations
      1. Environmental Remediation Liabilities

Perspective and Issues


ASC 410, Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations, consists of three subtopics. The sole purpose of ASC 410-10 is to explain the difference between the other two subtopics.

Subtopic Accounting and Financial Reporting of:
ASC 410-20, Asset Retirement Obligations
  • A liability for an asset retirement obligation and associated cost.
  • An environmental remediation liability resulting from the normal operation of a long-lived asset.
ASC 410-30, Environmental Obligations
  • Environmental remediation liabilities.
(ASC 410-10-05-2)

The Scope and Scope Exceptions paragraphs provide details of ...

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