1. Perspective and Issues
    1. Technical Alert
      1. ASU 2022-02
      2. Effective Dates
      3. Transition
    2. Overview
    3. Subtopics
    4. Scope and Scope Exceptions
      1. ASC 326-10, Overall
      2. ASC 326-20, Financial Instruments—Credit Losses—Measured at Amortized Cost
      3. ASC 326-30, Financial Instruments—Credit Losses—Available-for-Sale Debt Securities
  2. Definitions of Terms
  3. Concepts, Rules, and Examples—ASC 326-10, Overall
  4. Concepts, Rules, and Examples—ASC 326-20, Measured at Amortized Cost
    1. Estimating Expected Credit Losses
      1. Accounting Policy Election—Accrued Interest Receivable
      2. Off-Balance-Sheet Credit Exposures
      3. Credit Enhancements
      4. Example—CECL Model: Initial Recognition
      5. Purchased Financial Assets with Credit Deterioration (PCD) Model
      6. Example—PCD Model: Initial Recognition
    2. Subsequent Measurement
    3. Financial Assets Secured by Collateral
      1. Collateral-Dependent Financial Assets Foreclosure Is Probable
      2. Financial Assets Secured by Collateral Maintenance Provisions
      3. Loans Subsequently Identified for Sale
      4. Write-Offs and Recoveries of Financial Assets
      5. Accounting Policy Election—Accrued Interest Receivable
      6. Interest Income on Purchased Financial Assets with Credit Deterioration
  5. Concepts, Rules, and Examples—ASC 326-30, Available-for-Sale Debt Securities
    1. Overview
    2. Initial Measurement—Determining Whether a Credit Loss Exists
      1. Accrued Interest
      2. Accounting Policy Election—Accrued Interest Receivable
      3. Purchased Financial Assets with Credit Deterioration
      4. Factors to Consider When Determining Impairment ...

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