
ASC 450, Contingencies, contains guidance for reporting and disclosure of gain and loss contingencies. The Other Sources section at the end of this chapter lists other Topics with standards on contingencies related to specific topics. ASC 450 has three subtopics:

  • ASC 450-10, Overall, which, along with ASC 450-20 and 450-30, provides guidance on accounting and disclosures for contingencies.
  • ASC 450-20, Loss Contingencies, which describes accounting for potential liabilities in circumstances involving uncertainties.
  • ASC 450-30, Gain Contingencies, which describes accounting and disclosure requirements for gain contingencies. (ASC 450-10-05-1)

Scope and Scope Exceptions

ASC 450-10 ASC 450-10 applies to all entities. Not all uncertainties are contingencies. ASC 450-10-55 points out several common estimates that do not fall under the contingency guidance:

  • Depreciation
  • Estimates used in accruals
  • Changes in tax law

    (ASC 450-10-15-3)

ASC 450 guidance does not apply to the recognition and initial measurement of:

  • Assets ...

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