S3E–Sisters Three Entrepreneurs Security Consultants Company, West Hollywood, California and Magallanes Associates International (MAI), Thousand Oaks, California


To provide for the economic and national security of America, it is essential that we establish and maintain a telecommunications capability adequate to satisfy the needs of the nation during and after any national emergency. We now live in a world that is increasingly more dependent on information and the technology that allows us to communicate and do business globally, at the speed of light. Information has always been time-dependent but is more so today than ever. The composition of the telecommunications sector evolves continuously due to technology advances, business and competitive pressures, and changes in the marketplace and regulatory environment. Despite its dynamic nature, the sector has consistently provided robust and reliable communications and processes to meet the needs of businesses and governments [1].


2.1 A Historical Perspective

The Telecommunications Sector has evolved from a predominantly closed and secure wire-line telecommunications network focused on providing equipment and voice services, into a diverse, open, technologically sophisticated, highly interconnected, and complex industry with a wide array of infrastructure that spans critical aspects of the US government, economy, and society.

Three ...

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