1Introduction to International Financial Reporting Standards

  1. Introduction
  2. Origins and Early History of the IASB
  3. The Current Structure
  4. Process of IFRS Standard Setting
  5. Convergence: The IASB and Financial Reporting in the US
  6. The IASB and Europe
  7. Appendix A: Current International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) and Interpretations (SIC/IFRIC)
  8. Appendix B: Projects Completed Since Previous Issue (July 2016 to June 2017)
  9. Appendix C: IFRS for SMEs
    1. Definition of SMEs
    2. IFRS for SMEs is a Complete, Self-Contained Set of Requirements
    3. Modifications of Full IFRS made in IFRS for SMEs
    4. Disclosure Requirements under IFRS for SMEs
    5. Maintenance of the IFRS for SMEs
    6. SME Implementation Group
    7. Implications of the IFRS for SMEs
    8. Application of the IFRS for SMEs


The mission of the IFRS Foundation and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is to develop International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that bring transparency, accountability and efficiency to financial markets around the world. They seek to serve the public interest by fostering trust, growth and long-term stability in the global economy.

The motivation for the convergence of historically dissimilar financial reporting standards has been, in the main, to facilitate the free flow of capital so that, for example, investors in the US would become more willing to finance business in, say, China or the Czech Republic. Access to financial statements which are written in the same “language” would help ...

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