60AR-C 60 General Principles for Engagements Performed in Accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services
Objectives and Limitations of SSARS Engagements
Quality Control in a SSARS Engagement
Preconditions for Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Engagements
AR-C Section 60 establishes a framework and provides guidance for the performance of all SSARS engagements. Specific requirements for performing and reporting on particular SSARS engagements are in the relevant AR-C sections. SSARS engagements include:
- preparation,
- compilation, and
- review of management’s financial statements.
- (AR-C 60.01)
Source: AR-C 60.07. For definitions related to AR-C, see Appendix C, “Definitions of Terms: AR-C Standards for Preparations, Compilations, and Reviews”: Engagement partner, Engagement team, Fair presentation framework, Financial reporting framework, Financial statements, Firm, Interpretive publications, Other preparation, compilation and review publications, Professional judgment, Prospective financial information.
In May 2018, the ARSC released SSARS 24, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services—2018. The Statement amends AR-C 60 and AR-C 90 and creates a new section, AR-C 100, Special Considerations—International Reporting Issues. Except for the amendment to AR-C 90.39, ...
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