- Adams, John
- Additive property
- Adolphe Quetelet
- Aleatory contracts
- Annuities
- Arbuthnot, John
- Arnaud, Antoine
- Aspirin
- Astralagi
- Babbage, Charles
- Balzac, Honoré de
- Bauhuis, Bernard
- Bayes, Thomas
- essay
- postulate
- scholium
- Bayes's Theorem
- Behavioral economics
- Belief functions
- Bernoulli, Jacob
- Ars Conjectandi
- axioms of prudent behavior
- correspondence with G. Leibniz
- eulogies
- Golden Theorem
- metaphorical lottery
- mixed argument
- pure argument
- Bernoulli, Johann
- Bernoulli, Nicholas
- Bias
- Big Data
- Bills of Mortality
- Biometrika
- Bonaparte, Napoléon
- Boole, George
- Investigation of the Laws of Thought
- Borges, Jorge Luis, v
- Broad, C. D.
- Browne, William
- Butler, Joseph
- Caesar, Julius
- Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan
- Carcavi, Pierre
- Cardano, Gerolamo
- De Ludo Aleae
- general rule of wagering
- Scaliger fiasco
- Cassini, Giovanni
- Central Limit Theorem
- Chess
- Cheyne, George
- Clinical trial
- Colson, John
- Combinatorics
- Collective
- Conditional probability
- Condorcet, Marquis de
- Confidence interval
- Confounding
- Conjunction fallacy
- Continental Congress
- Cournot, Antoine Augustin
- Craig, John
- Cramer, Gabriel
- Cromwell, Oliver
- D'Alembert, Jean le Rond
- Damasio, Antonio
- somatic markers
- Darwin, Charles
- Daston, Lorraine
- De Bessy, Bernard Frenicle
- De Finetti, Bruno
- exchangeability
- Bayesian statistics
- De Medina, Bartolomé
- De Moivre, Abraham
- De Mensura Sortis
- Annuities upon Lives
- The Doctrine of Chances
- De Morgan, Augustus
- De Witt, Johann
- Decision theory
- Declaration of Independence
- Decline effect ...
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