The sixth pillar of the BASP framework is that of distributed knowledge. The core idea behind this pillar is that there must be a conscious and concerted effort to communication and disseminate as much business analytics insights and enterprise value across the organization as possible. Traditionally, analytics has taken an old-fashioned “typing pool” approach, whereby a business leader submitted a request to the analytics team for some specific information or the answer to a question. The analytics team members would go away to their secret lair and then magically appear with the data a week or two later. The person requesting the information said, “Thank you,” and that was the end of the information exchange.

The distributed knowledge pillar focuses business analytics in a new direction, toward using the wisdom of the organization to create greater enterprise value from its data, as well as to propel the organization more rapidly toward the truth and away from the myths and legends of the corporate Kool-Aid. For example, there are sales people in your organization who likely know more about the competitive threats your company is under than anyone in strategy and development will ever know. Also, specialists in your product organization can quickly make sense of Web analytics data that might take a pure analyst a lot longer to interpret. This can be challenging in a command-and-control managed company, but by distributing the knowledge and the data ...

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