
Writing a book is a challenging task that takes lot of time and effort. This requires tremendous support from family and friends. Thanks to my parents for their endless support. Not to forget few of my mentors—Sree Kumar (VP, Trivum eSolutions), Ananda Kumar (project manager, Trivium eSolutions), Jayaprakash (principal engineering manager, Cleartrip) who have been very much supportive of me in writing this book. I also need to thank my coauthors and friend Lohith GN, and the Apress team.

—Senthil Kumar

To Dad, Mom, my wife, Rashmi, and my son, Adithya.

—Lohith GN

Writing a book was not an easy task for me. It takes a lot of time and lot of support. Thanks to my wife for her endless support. I also need to thank coauthor and friend ...

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