Chapter 15

Backing Up and Restoring Files


check Attaching files and copying them to a storage drive

check Managing files on OneDrive

check Creating and storing backup files

check Restoring a failed computer

Some of your files — photos and documents — are priceless. If you accidentally delete a treasured file, what can you do but cry? You can insure your well-being by creating copies of your documents and photos.

The best insurance involves storing copies of files on devices separate from your computer. Such devices include the following:

  • Flash drive and memory card: Carry your files when you’re away from your computer by storing them on a portable storage device. For example, you can store files on a USB flash drive (also called a thumb drive), which is about the size of a disposable cigarette lighter, or a memory card, which is the size of a postage stamp and is most often used in laptop computers and digital cameras. Common capacities for flash drives and memory cards range from 2 to 128GB.

    A gigabyte (GB) of storage can hold thousands of files, but you’ll be amazed by how quickly ...

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