© Charles Bell 2021
C. BellWindows 10 for the Internet of Thingshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6609-0_16

16. Azure IoT Solutions: Building an Azure IoT Solution

Charles Bell1  
Warsaw, VA, USA

Now that you’ve gotten a taste of what working with Azure is like, let’s put those new skills to work building a real project that uses an IoT device and a sensor to send data to the cloud where we will store and display them. The examples in the last chapter showed how to display the data on the device (or your PC), but we didn’t see any way to save the data.

In this chapter, we will take the example project a step further. You will reuse the weather sensor that you used in Chapter 13. However, rather than saving the data in MySQL, you will send it to ...

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