Chapter 2

Fighting Viruses and Other Malware


check Reviewing a quick security checklist

check Getting the lowdown on malware

check Understanding how Windows Security works

check Deciphering your browser’s cryptic security signs

Windows 8 was the first version of Windows to ship with a complete antivirus and antimalware package baked right into the operating system. Windows 10 expanded on those goodies surprisingly well. At launch, Windows 11 didn't have any new Windows Security features. However, I don’t view this as a problem because the tools offered by Microsoft are solid and work well. Most people don’t need to buy an antivirus, firewall, or anti-everything product. Windows 11 has all you need.

On the other hand, you need to hold up your end of the bargain by not doing questionable things on your computer. I wanted to say “stupid,” but some of the tricks of cybercriminals these days can get you even if you aren’t stupid. Luckily, Chapter 1 in this minibook helps you understand the tactics online creeps use and keep your guard up.

Moving on to Chapter 2, I start with a simple list of ...

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