Chapter 3
Wrangling E-Book Files
Dealing with e-book formats
Using calibre to manage e-books on your Windows PC
Getting e-books from your PC to your Kindle
Unfortunately, the increased use of technology means that fewer of us read physical books on a regular basis. It’s a sad trend if you ask me, but there’s an upside too: We now have access to the world’s biggest library online. We can buy and download books online in any language we want. However, because digital books, or e-books, are available in a wide variety of formats, reading them on a variety of devices is difficult.
In this chapter, I discuss the best way to view, read, and manage e-books on your Windows PC: using calibre, an amazing tool everyone should know about. It is free and works great on Windows, Mac, and other platforms. With calibre, you can also convert e-books from one format to another.
While you can read e-books not only on your Windows PC but also on your iPad or your smartphone, the most important platform remains Amazon’s Kindle. Therefore I also share how to send e-books from your PC to your Kindle, and how to set up your Amazon account so that your friends can email books directly to ...
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