Chapter 4
Basic Desktop Window Mechanics
Understanding a window’s parts
Manipulating buttons, bars, and boxes
Finding commands on the folder menus
Understanding the Navigation pane
Moving windows and changing their size
The Windows Start menu simply contains icons and an occasional button. It’s easy to see what you’re poking at with a finger or mouse.
The Windows desktop, by contrast, includes lots of movable windows, each with miniscule, monochrome buttons, tiny lettering, unlabeled buttons, and pencil-thin borders. The windows come with way too many parts, many with confusing names that programs expect you to remember. To give you a hand, this chapter provides a lesson in basic windows anatomy and navigation.
You eventually need to know this stuff because windows tend to overlap on the desktop; you need to manually push and prod them into view. And if you think you already know this stuff from Windows 10, think again: Windows 11 brings drastic changes to File Explorer. ...
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