Chapter 6: How Do I Turn Off This Thing?
In This Chapter
Turning off your PC and apps
Understanding the Windows sleep state
Discovering Connected Standby
If you’ve been using Windows for a while, you know that — perhaps surprisingly — sleep is a very, very complex topic. Over the years Windows has had different forms of hibernating, sleeping, suspending, standing by, and shutting down. The only thing Microsoft hasn’t tried is snoring.
In Windows 7, 57 percent of desktop PC users and 45 percent of laptop users shut down their PCs instead of putting them to sleep. Folks who shut down their PCs cite reasons running the gamut from reducing electricity consumption to improving battery life. They also found that their systems, once restarted, ran better: The old cobwebs got cleared out with a restart.
Until now, there’s never been a good substitute for turning off your computer: Hibernate or standby in older versions of Windows doesn’t clean your system and get everything restarted. Restarting cleaned and refreshed everything, but it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get back and going again.
This version of Windows has a better way.
In this chapter, you find out where to find the settings to turn ...