Chapter 2: Windows 8 Mail, People, and Calendar Apps

In This Chapter

arrow.png How the new Win8 communication apps hang together

arrow.png Choosing a Mail, Contacts, and Calendar app

arrow.png Navigating Win8’s tiled Mail

arrow.png Placing all your contacts in Win8 People

arrow.png Avoiding duplicates and other Win8 Calendar problems

The Windows communication apps — Mail, Calendar, People, and to a lesser extent, Messaging — form the core of Microsoft’s Windows 8 tiled app assault.

On the one hand, they’re free — or, I should say, no additional cost when you buy a Windows computer. So you can’t really expect too much out of them. On the other hand, they’re competing against other free communication apps — I won’t mention the iPad by name — so there’s a lot of pressure to deliver solid apps that people will want to use.

askwoodycom_vista.eps The communication apps in Win8 don’t quite deliver the breadth and depth of features and ease of use that will draw ...

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