Chapter 5: Using Windows (Live) Essentials
In This Chapter
Windows Live is dead, long live Windows Live!
Beating the tiled programs with Windows Essentials
Getting Windows Live
Using Windows Live
I have good news and bad news.
The bad news: Windows Live, the hodge-podge bundle of unrelated programs and services that Microsoft clubbed together in one (actually, many) of its frequent re-branding exercises, is pretty much dead. While Windows Live Essentials were hyped as one of the great reasons to buy Windows 7, in Windows 8 they’re going the way of the do-do. Sic transit gloria computerii.
The good news: Several of the Windows Live programs are considerably better than their Windows 8 tiled counterparts, in many respects, at least for now. Windows Live programs aren’t going away. If you don’t mind running orphaned programs on your desktop, a handful of Windows Live programs, in particular, are worth picking up.
Just as this book was going to press, Microsoft released two updated Windows Live programs — Photo Gallery and Movie Maker — and renamed the whole bundle. Where once we had ...