Chapter 17
Ten App Ideas
In This Chapter
Getting out of the gate fast
Grabbing users with neat content
Making use of services
If you’ve read this book and worked through the examples, you’re probably ready to get started. But where to start? Never fear: I am here with ten app ideas that are sure to get the developer juices flowing.
Code away!
Publishing Social Content
Social networking has a special place in the heart of a lot of people, and for a good reason. It is possible to keep in touch with people like never before using the Internet.
I’ve heard more than a few jokes about social networking sites coming and going over time (MySpace, anyone?), but the market has some stability right now. If you are a new consumer of content, however, wouldn’t it be awesome to post something to more than one site at a time, in order to reach a lot of different people?
I think it would. Here’s your challenge:
Make an app that mashes up posting to multiple social networking sites.
Use the APIs provided by the social networking sites and build one form for content creation. Then when users click Post, the content goes to Facebook, their blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, or whatever.
Integrating Planning ...
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