Chapter 1

What Is Windows 8?

In This Chapter

arrow Getting to know Windows 8

arrow Discovering the new features in Windows 8

arrow Deciding whether to switch to Windows 8

arrow Figuring out whether your PC is powerful enough to run Windows 8

arrow Knowing which version of Windows 8 you need

Chances are good that you’ve heard about Windows: the boxes and windows that greet you whenever you turn on your computer. In fact, millions of people worldwide are puzzling over Windows as you read this book. Almost every new computer and laptop sold today comes with Windows preinstalled, ready to toss colorful boxes onto the screen.

This chapter helps you understand why Windows lives inside your computer, and I introduce Microsoft’s latest Windows version, called Windows 8. I explain how Windows 8 differs from previous Windows versions, whether you should upgrade to Windows 8, and how well your faithful old PC and programs will weather the upgrade.

What Is Windows 8, and Why Are You Using It?

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