Chapter 7

Finding the Lost

In This Chapter

arrow Finding currently running apps and programs

arrow Finding lost desktop windows and files

arrow Finding lost programs, e-mails, songs, photos, and documents

arrow Finding other computers on a network

arrow Finding information on the Internet

Sooner or later, Windows 8 gives you that head-scratching feeling. “Golly,” you say, as you drum nervous fingers, “that stuff was right there a second ago. Where did it go?”

When Windows 8 starts playing hide-and-seek, this chapter tells you where to search and how to make it stop playing foolish games.

Finding Currently Running Start Screen Apps

newinwin8.eps By nature, Start screen apps fill the screen. Switch to another app, and it fills the screen, shoving away the previous app. Because the Start screen shows only one app at a time, your other running apps remain hidden beneath an invisibility cloak.

When you switch to the desktop, you’re ...

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