Chapter 7
Browsing the Web with Internet Explorer 10
In This Chapter
- Understanding the relationship between the two versions of Internet Explorer that ship with Windows 8
- Using the Metro-style version of Internet Explorer
- Configuring IE 10 Metro
- Using the Desktop version of Internet Explorer
- Configuring IE 10 desktop
- Knowing when to use which browser
- Understanding the weird interaction between IE 10 desktop, IE 10 Metro, and third-party browsers
In keeping with the dual user experience nature of Windows 8 itself, Microsoft has reimagined Internet Explorer—and, really, web browsing in general as well—in this new operating system, creating a fascinating, dual-mode version of the most-frequently used Windows application. Internet Explorer 10 is, in many ways, the poster child for this Windows 8-based vision of the future, offering both a Metro-style user experience and a more traditional, desktop-based web browser version as well.
It’s a model that other web browser makers, and perhaps other application makers, will emulate in their own solutions. But because web browsers play such a special role in Windows, having both Metro-style and traditional browsers available comes with some unique new constraints as well. So this chapter explores these changes, as well as the new features of both versions of Internet Explorer 10.
Two Browsers, One Brain: Understanding Internet Explorer 10
How you view Internet Explorer 10 will depend greatly on how you view Windows 8 and its two separate ...